Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Funny "free"-year old speech

Alec has a few Alec-isms that I know I need to correct but they are so funny and ridiculously cute that I can't bring myself to eradicate them yet.

The word "girl" is said like: "grill"
The word "squirrel" is said like: "sqrill"
The word "gorilla" is said like: "gurlilla"
The animal "cheetah" is said like: "Cheeto" (as in Cheetos)
The phonemic sound for "th" usually sounds like "f" or "d"
The phonemic sound for "v" often sounds like "b"
The word "bottom" is said like: "Bod-euhm"

So, to give you an example of what one might hear from Alec on a given day:

Mommy, my bod-euhm hurts. Did Darf Bador spike my bod-euhm with his light sabor?

Mommy, is that a grill squrill running on dat grass?

Mommy, a cheeto runs very FAST! A cheeto is much faster dan a gurlilla! I think I am faster dan a cheeto though 'cause I'm supa fast! Do you think that a squrill is faster dan a gurlilla? I think dat Molly (our cat) is faster than a gurlilla. Molly is a grill cat, isn't she Mommy? Do you think Molly likes sqrills Mommy? Maybe we can get a pet squrill and then Molly can have a friend. She would like dat, Mommy. Molly is a (insert Molly chasing Alec away from her) OH! Molly is an UGLY cat. She bite my toes wif her sharp TEEF! ... (and on and on and on.... and onnnnnnnnnnnnnn.)



Sara said...

I love hearing three year old speech! Laura is outgrowing some of hers, but she still says things like "baff" for a bath and "chiwwy" for chilly.


Maria R. said...

I laughed out loud. I needed that - HA! I can't wait for little sentences to be formed.

Good F words

Hey! Not all F words are bad. The best words in the world are family, fun, food, and fabulous! I'm challenging myself to expand my own appreciation of the fabulous F words out there. I'm starting a list of words that I'll eventually write about. Let me know if you think of another fun one.

Family ~ Father ~ Fast ~ Fanatic ~ Fanciest ~ Festive ~ Fanciful ~ Freedom ~ Friday ~ Flower ~ Flagrant ~ Fixable ~ Forceful ~ Forbidden ~ Foray ~ Foppish ~ Fledgling ~ Frappacino ... hmmm... maybe ?