Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fantasy: Story by Zach

Zachary wrote the following in response to an assignment to write a fantasy story using 12 spelling words. I'm typing it up as he wrote it. I think it shows a lot of promise! Shoot, I have COLLEGE students who have less creativity and many more errors! I wish you could HEAR him read this aloud. His presentation makes it even better. (Maybe I should record him.)


Once upon a time there was a normal cat named Oliver. He was like all cats in the day. He used his food bowls to eat and drink with. He slept all day. He used his litterbox when nesasery! But at night? He changes to. . . Super Kitty!

He plays piano and violin, litsens to the radio, and can even talk! Super Kitty usually saves people. He has these powers: super strength, he can fly, he can go threw anything, he can see through anything, and he has laser eyes. He has a sister named Rainbow Kitty. Together they save lives.

One day Super Kitty saw that the bull rodeo was in trouble! He told Rainbow Kitty and the duo set off. When they got to their destantion the audience in the medium sized stadium were going crazy. Just then they saw Bad Dog: their arch enemy. "Hello Super Kitty" said Bad Dog. "You are going to pay for what you've done" said Super Kitty. "Ya ya, right" said bad Dog. "Like you always do. But first I am going to create my own evil rodeo, and here is a video for demonstration." After the movie the kitties shook their heads no and made their move. But right before the duo were going to punch Bad Dog, Rainbow Kitty had an idea. She made a rainbow bridge and a rainbow net. She trapped Bad Dog and then Super Kitty called the police.

When the due got home it was late. They two kittys ate cereal, watched a pioneer movie and went to sleep.

The end.
Written by:

Inspired by:


The Varner Family said...

Wow! That is so impressive! Did he really use quotations? You have a smarty with a Great imagination!

Andrea said...

He did really use quotations, Ilena! They've been working with quotes at school. But I think his use is unusually creative. (Of course, I AM his mother.)

Robin said...


I left a response to your question on my blog but wanted to make sure you got this b/c the Southern Living Home fundraiser ends Sunday night. Contact Jenny Pace (the SL Home rep doing the fundraiser) at for details. Basically, you just order online and she will donate the profit to the Bizaillion family. SL Home stuff is gorgeous. Happy shopping, and thank you so much!


Kathryn said...

What imagination! He comes by that creative talent naturally. :)

Hope you are having a good weekend!

Good F words

Hey! Not all F words are bad. The best words in the world are family, fun, food, and fabulous! I'm challenging myself to expand my own appreciation of the fabulous F words out there. I'm starting a list of words that I'll eventually write about. Let me know if you think of another fun one.

Family ~ Father ~ Fast ~ Fanatic ~ Fanciest ~ Festive ~ Fanciful ~ Freedom ~ Friday ~ Flower ~ Flagrant ~ Fixable ~ Forceful ~ Forbidden ~ Foray ~ Foppish ~ Fledgling ~ Frappacino ... hmmm... maybe ?