Saturday, April 4, 2009


My thanks to all of you for prayers last week. I'm happy to report that my trip to Tennessee was successful. We're in the process of buying a sweet little house in Bartlett, TN. I'm very happy with this house and can't wait to get settled in it. The backyard is wonderful and the current owners have done a great job with the landscaping in the front yard. The best thing though is that the neighborhood is nice, with wide streets and nice sidewalks. I'm thrilled with this because the street we live on now has NO sidewalks and I'm scared to walk in our neighborhood because people drive too fast on our road. I'm looking forward to sidewalks!

We also celebrated Alec's fourth birthday a few days ago. He had a Chuck E Cheese party and walked around all day saying, "I love my party at Chuck E Jesus." I'm sure that is probably somewhat sacrilegious, but it sounded so funny that I never corrected him. Below is a photo of him blowing out the candle on his "tiger" cake. (He requested that he have a tiger cake for his party. The kid loves cats.) The second photo is with his buddy Zachary from preschool. I think it is so funny that the one kid from preschool that Alec is really attached to has the same name as his brother!

Zachary's 8th birthday is on Friday and we're planning a big party for him here at the house. He's already beside himself with anticipation. It should be fun. More pics to come from that later.

While I was in Oklahoma last week, we celebrated three birthdays: my dad turned 62 on March 31; Alec turned 4 on April 1; Zach will be 8 on April 10. It was a special celebration to have all three of them together for a combined birthday bash. I'm not really sure who enjoyed it the most (probably my dad!)

I also had a good, productive talk with my dad about my mom's condition. She's still declining, but I'm happy to report that she enjoyed her time with the boys. She doesn't always know who they are, but she never fails to comment on how cute they are. They entertain her and it's nice to see her enjoying them. Dad and I have a plan of action now on what steps to take next. I feel better after talking to him.

So, that is my update. This is also my 100th post. I need to get busy on one of those "100 things about me" posts! I think it'll have to wait until AFTER Zach's party though. Things will be busy around here this week!
Have a great one!


Kathryn said...

Love your new home! It looks cozy and the yard will be great for the boys. Glad you were successful in your search!

Sounds like your boys had a nice visit with your parents. Big birthday celebrations all around! I know making decisions about your Mom is tough.

I love love love Chuck E. Jesus. I'm going to call it that from now on. :)

Alma Mcve said...

I'M SO HAPPY YOU FOUND YOUR HOUSE!!! It is so adorable! Looks so cute and cozy:)

Looks like Alec had a good time at Chuck E. Jesus! That's really sweet. We just went to a b-day party there for my cousin who turned 10! I may be 16, but I still like it there:) Who doesn't enjoy some arcade games every now and then!

Congrats on the house!

Robin said...

Congrats on the house...what an accomplishment! And HORRAY for sidewalks...I'm confident you will LOVE that aspect of your neighborhood. I am a big sidewalk fan myself. In fact, when we moved to Dallas, I wouldn't consider any area without them. With kids, they are a must!!

I'm so glad you had a good walk with your dad re: your mom. I'm sure that was very peace-giving. Enjoy the birthday bash. You are so not old enough to have an 8 year lucky is he to have a young mom???


Alma Mcve said...

I just looked at the pic of your mom and your boys and WOW I can really see how you resemble your mom. You two look a lot alike:) Like mother like daughter!

Drew Stapp said...

Yeah for the new house! Good job Andrea. :)

Good F words

Hey! Not all F words are bad. The best words in the world are family, fun, food, and fabulous! I'm challenging myself to expand my own appreciation of the fabulous F words out there. I'm starting a list of words that I'll eventually write about. Let me know if you think of another fun one.

Family ~ Father ~ Fast ~ Fanatic ~ Fanciest ~ Festive ~ Fanciful ~ Freedom ~ Friday ~ Flower ~ Flagrant ~ Fixable ~ Forceful ~ Forbidden ~ Foray ~ Foppish ~ Fledgling ~ Frappacino ... hmmm... maybe ?