Monday, April 21, 2008

Felicity: noun meaning happiness or contentment


It is 11:43 a.m. in western Washington and I am feeling quite felicitous. I have chicken crockpotting itself for supper. I also have a pot of beans simmering on the stove. I have played puzzles and read books and played blocks with a very funny three year old son who is fortunate enough to have complete and utter faith in his own abilities. "I'm a good picker-upper. I'm a good puzzler. Look Mommy! I'm a strong boy. I can pick up Molly! (Insert our 10 pound cat's inconvenienced hiss.) Mommy! I'm a good pee pee-er, aren't I?" Yes, indeed. It is difficult to not feel content on a day such as this.

I have cleaned out my fridge and disposed of numerous containers of questionable material. I have organized my cupboards in preparation of the groceries that my loving husband offered to pick up on his way home this afternoon. I have a load of wash in the washer and another tumbling happily in the dryer. And right now, at this very moment, the only thing that I need to do is go and read to Alec.



Sara said...

Wow..can you come get me that organized? I have a load of laundry that has been waiting for me to fold since this morning!

Andrea said...

Hey, it doesn't happen everyday, or even every week. That's why I'm so happy. Because it is happening today!

Cara said...

What a wonderful morning!

Good F words

Hey! Not all F words are bad. The best words in the world are family, fun, food, and fabulous! I'm challenging myself to expand my own appreciation of the fabulous F words out there. I'm starting a list of words that I'll eventually write about. Let me know if you think of another fun one.

Family ~ Father ~ Fast ~ Fanatic ~ Fanciest ~ Festive ~ Fanciful ~ Freedom ~ Friday ~ Flower ~ Flagrant ~ Fixable ~ Forceful ~ Forbidden ~ Foray ~ Foppish ~ Fledgling ~ Frappacino ... hmmm... maybe ?